How warm should I drink my cocoa?

Mischa Levit 4 comments
I'm being asked more and more often: "Tell me, Mischa, how hot should I make my cocoa?" Until a few days ago, I was still throwing around semi-objective sentence structures when answering this question, adding my own preferences and finally quoting the "science" that I know.
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Our time with the Arhuacos.

Mischa Levit 2 comments
About 5 years ago, during my first stay in Colombia, we hiked through a national park, the Parque Tayrona. This is known for its incredible biodiversity and the natural spectacle that occurs when wild mountain jungle flows directly into the Caribbean Sea. Even then, on our hike through the national park, we encountered tribesmen dressed in white. Sometimes accompanied by a donkey or a mule, usually with a cheek full of coca. At the time, I felt extremely alien to this very different culture and at the same time so fascinated by it.
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Once upon a time there was a Peruvian cocoa bean...

Mischa Levit 11 comments

Hello, you big heart! Today I want to tell you a story. It's about a Peruvian cocoa bean. Or even better: It tells you its story itself... It's dark, wet and sticky. It's cramped around me. And somehow I find that nice. To be surrounded by white, sweet pulp. Packed side by side with my brothers and sisters. Nothing can separate us! Or can it? One day, in January, I believe, everything was going to change. It was a wonderful, sunny morning in the large, species-rich dry forest of the Piura Valley in northern Peru. The morning when my sweetness...

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Back in the country.

Mischa Levit

It feels like it was last week. I packed my things, emptied my room, signed the last flyers and ate my last supper in our Kakao Community near Würzburg. The reunion with Anka in Colombia and the joint trip to Ecuador, Guatemala and who knows where else were on the agenda. Cocoa here, cocoa there and maybe a little vacation over there. WHOSHHH! We are back in Germany. I rub my eyes as if it had been an intense yet pleasantly warm dream. And what exactly makes a dream a dream and reality reality? Now I'm sitting at the same...

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Cocoa Yoni

Mischa Levit 2 comments

This yoni can accompany you in many ways and, above all, enrich you.

She will support you in the connection of your heart, your womb and your yoni.

Yes, it can come to you in so many different ways and it can find a place in your life.

In the morning, with a cup of cocoa to start the day feeling strong, invigorated and clear.

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Back to the beginning.

Mischa Levit
Imagine you are standing in a lush flower meadow. There's buzzing and beeping all around you. Everything feels alive, gentle and beautiful. Oh, and look at that butterfly! How beautifully it represents the tenderness of your being. The transformation come to life in beauty, grace and vulnerability. Formerly ma
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Come with me on my adventure!

The cocoa universe is colorful, big and diverse! Let yourself be carried away by the latest events of my adventure and check out Instagram.