Product of the heart of the Colombian native tribe of the Arhuaco Indians.
Made in devotion to the unification of polarities.
This product is unavailable
Direkt gehandelt mit den Indigenen der Sierra Nevada Kolumbiens. Kultiviert und geerntet im tiefen Verbund mit Mutter Erde, stets im Dienste der Zusammenführung der Polaritäten.
Ein Kakao mit enormem Symbolismus, erhaben und geerdet - wie die Stammesmitglieder selbst.
Product of the heart of the Colombian native tribe of the Arhuaco Indians.
Made in devotion to the unification of polarities.
This product is unavailable
Name : La Lengueta
Origin : La Lengüeta, Caribbean coast of the Sierra Nevadade Santa Marta, northern Colombia
Taste : Warm depth and gentle aromas of sweet spices, lemongrass, licorice and sesame.
Certifications : Organically grown but not certified
Traceability : Complete
Partner : Original Beans
Our time with the Arhuaco Indians was very meaningful and uplifting. So much so that it didn't give me a second thought to add this special cocoa to our range.
I wrote a blog entry about our time in the Sierra Nevada of Colombia.
Have fun reading and being amazed!