My way to cocoa

Kakao has it all! So much so that I've decided to dedicate my life to him. Because in the world of Kakao there is so much to discover and even more to taste.

My declared goal as a Kakao ambassador is to bring this wonderful plant to the people who need this medicine in the most compatible way for the environment and humanity. For me, that is above all the population of the industrialized countries (including me). Because it is we who, through our privilege and purchasing power, can create rapid change in the world.

The origin of my cocoa beans

At the beginning of 2019, my Kakao trip takes me to the tiny country of Belize, east of Mexico. While conducting my studies on a cacao-focused permaculture farm, I hear that there is an organic cacao cooperative in the area.

The Toledo Cacao Growers Association, abbreviated TCGA, works to ensure that Kakao farmers in the region have the infrastructure, good prices and general support they need.

cocoa quality

My beans come from organic smallholder farmers in the Maya Mountains in southern Belize and since 2020 Jan supports them asConservation Kakao Leaderfromoriginal beans, to identify and preserve the rarest and finest Kakaos in the world and to create a sustainable infrastructure.

Cocoa Harvest

The TGCA farmers' cooperative pays fair prices to the farmers and pays them directly on the spot.

With theSourced As Original Beans A sustainable approach to the environment, people and natural resources is ensured as standard.

cocoa processing

Since the TGCA doesn't yet have the machinery to process their beans themselves, I decided to try it myself. Since then, I have been processing my beans myself in a personal ritual, thereby guaranteeing the highest level of delicacy and tolerability.

From the tree to the cup

Finally arrived in the port of Hamburg, you make your way to me in the south. Upon arrival, I welcome you and your sisters with a dance and whisk you away into my sacred halls, where you magically attain your ceremonial form.

The Way of the Cocoa Bean

Imagine you are a Belizean Kakao bean. You hang around in your fruit for up to half a year until you are finally ripe and ready to be picked. But how is it supposed to continue with you??

If you are lucky enough to belong to my Kakao, you will be collected in your fruit with love by hand. You see the light of day as the shell is cracked around you. Then you can make yourself comfortable in your pulp and ferment. At the end you will be washed and dried extensively in the sun.

If you are nice and dry, you will be packed into big sacks with all your brothers and sisters and sent out to sea. It can take 3-4 months, but after that you can rightly claim to have got around well.

Cocoa Story

History of Kakao: From a Legend and the Food of the Gods

Kakao Mischa Azteken

The Kakao Ritual

A Kakao ritual (also called a ceremony) is the intentional enjoyment of the Kakao plant. The focus is on the why, the intention. There are no fixed guidelines as to what a ceremony should look like. Only you decide. The cacao ceremony is a delicious form of consciousness work and can help you to access your feelings, desires and visions. Learn what it takes.


A wonderful moment to let off steam creatively and make your Kakao so delicious that your taste buds tremble with ecstasy.

Again, there is no prescribed procedure, no right & wrong. Therefore, I invite you to be inspired by my suggestions at most and create your own authentic Kakao recipe.


Stories about Misch and my world

Tauche ein in die Essenz von Kakao

Beglückt, strahlend und in tiefe Weisheit gehüllt, durften die ersten Absolventen durch das Kakao Portal schreiten. Sie erlebten, was es bedeutet die Essenz von Kakao zu erfahren.

"Danke für das Kakao Portal. Obwohl ich bereits ein Kakao Training gemacht habe, durfte ich einen neuen TIEFGANG erfahren. Ich durfte ein viel größeres Wissen zu Kakao bekommen, ihren Ursprung kennenlernen, die Verbindung zum Regenwald, der Zusammenhang mit den Maya und welche Rolle Kakao dort einnimmt." - Tatjana, Teilnehmerin des Kakao Portals

Du fühlst dich gerufen TIEF zu tauchen?

Liebe geht durch den Magen?

Und wie! Danach dann direkt ins Herz. Vor allem wenn du dir Köstliches aus unserem herzöffnenden Kakao zauberst 😍

Unser Tausendsassa Giulia hat mal wieder auf allen Ebenen den Zauberstab (und den Zauberstaub😉) geschwungen.
Die Kakaobutter ist geschmolzen, die Kochlöffel wurden gewedelt und unser Zauberstaub ist nur so umhergeflogen! Es ging wild zu, aber es hat sich gelohnt. Denn herausgekommen ist ein wunderbares Rezept für deine eigene Schokolade zum Genießen und Verlieben 🤤
Und dabei besteht das Rezept aus wenigen Zutaten, die du teilweise sogar in unserem Shop findest und ist super simpel nachzumachen.

Was der Osterhase mir brachte... ist meine Vision!

Hallöchen, verehrte:r Leser:in! Heute teile ich mit dir in diesem Blogbeitrag das, was mir heilig ist. Und das, was mir in den letzten Wochen leide...

In times of change... we change with it!

Hello dear converter, Today I am writing, sipping a ceremonial cocoa, from an inner impulse. Somewhere, certainly, to understand my own process ...

Discovered enough?

Then treat yourself to a cup of our fabulous food of the gods.