Greetings, explorer!

It's brave of you to enter this unknown and chocolatey terrain. But don't worry, there are no dangers lurking here, just inspiration, stories and adventures .

This page is intended to give you an overview of the wide field of ceremonial cocoa, its origin, processing and of course the cocoa ritual. Here you can browse, skim and delve deeper. If a topic particularly interests you, you always have the option of diving deeper by clicking on the corresponding link.

We reap what we sow

In our case, these are cocoa beans that are unique in the world and are threatened with extinction in their original form. In cooperation with our partner Original Beans , we help ensure that farmers in South and Central America are paid far above the Fairtrade price for cocoa, so that they receive the appreciation they deserve and large areas of original forests can be protected.

Click on the link and delve deeper into our rare and potent cocoa varieties, their origins and the high standards under which we gratefully receive them.


It is a great gift to be able to work with this millennia-old, powerful plant called cacao . Enjoying it not only protects the rainforest, but also benefits your personal well-being.


With heart and hand, our cocoa undergoes its refinement in our holy halls, the cocoa factory, in order to flow into the most digestible form for you and thus water your seeds of love.



The law of attraction states that you receive what you send out. Therefore, it is only logical that we pack and send our packages with the greatest possible love and dedication. Climate neutral & personal for you and your loved ones.

From the tree to your favorite cup

Are you interested in how my team and I work to bring the rare types of cocoa into their slurpable form? Do you want to learn more about the gentle processing of one of the most complex foods on earth? Then you've come to the right place...

The journey of the cocoa bean

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a South American cocoa bean?

You know, their journey takes several months, not to mention the ripening process on the tree. A beautiful transformation that takes place in the shade of the tropical forest.

You won't believe it, but a tender, sweet cocoa bean has taken pity on us and described its journey to our factory in colorful words. Will you lend it an ear?

A legendary story

Known as Theobroma cacao, Latin for food of the gods, cocoa has enjoyed a fantastic reputation since its origins around 5,000 years ago.

Whether as an invigorating stimulant for the Aztec celebrations of the highborn or as a valuable Central American currency.

Put on your reading glasses, it's going to be historic!

Kakao Mischa Azteken

The Cocoa Ritual

A cocoa ritual (also called ceremony) is the intentional consumption of the cocoa plant.

The focus is on the why, the intention. There are no fixed guidelines as to what a ceremony should look like. Only you can decide.

The cacao ceremony is a delicious form of consciousness work and can help you gain access to your feelings, desires and visions.

Find out what it takes.

The preparation

A wonderful moment to express your creativity and make your cocoa so delicious that your taste buds tremble with ecstasy.

Here, too, there is no prescribed procedure, no right or wrong. Therefore, I invite you to let my suggestions inspire you and create your own, authentic cocoa recipe.🥕

Stories about Misch and my world

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Discovered enough?

Then treat yourself to a cup of our fabulous food of the gods.