Mischa. Das bin ich.

Belly landing

September 11, 1992 - a tiny Mischa is born in a Ukrainian city called Dnepropetrovsk.


The Federal Republic welcomes him with open arms. But no one asked him whether he even wanted to live there. Well, he just made the best of it.

Finally over

His school years are not glorious, but he gets his high school diploma. Maybe he's just not the brightest candle on the cake?

Dare to go out

The flight to South America takes him into a new world. He is allowed to make mistakes and find out who he is. Freedom becomes very important to him.


He becomes so fond of cocoa that he dedicates a journey of discovery to it. And so he dares to take the step into the unknown.


People are recognizing the value of ceremonial cacao for this time and Mischa is stepping up to his responsibility to share it with the world.

Written by Michael Levit
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ein wunderschöner nahbarer Einblick vielen Dank für diese Offenheit und Authentizität

Peggy Schott on Feb 14, 2025

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