Unser Kakao durchläuft eine Transformation 💫🫶

Kakao Team

Hallöchen liebe Kakaoseele, hier schreibt Mischa, du weißt schon - der mit dem Kakao! Heute habe ich Lust dir zu berichten... von jüngsten Geschehnissen und ältesten Kakaos. Zum Schluss habe ich noch eine Einladung für eine Kakaozeremonie für dich anlässlich des internationalen Tags des Kakaos. Let's go!   Die Kakao Revolution geht weiter Ich kann dir nicht sagen, ob es mein ADS ist oder der Kakao, der mich unaufhörlich dazu bewegt, nächste Schritte zu machen und Kakao Mischa weiterzuentwickeln... ohne Frage ist es ein unaufhaltbarer Prozess.   Zuletzt führte er zur Veröffentlichung unserer Piura Taler im Shop sowie zu unserem...

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Our time with the Arhuacos.

Mischa Levit 2 comments
About 5 years ago, during my first stay in Colombia, we hiked through a national park, the Parque Tayrona. This is known for its incredible biodiversity and the natural spectacle that occurs when wild mountain jungle flows directly into the Caribbean Sea. Even then, on our hike through the national park, we encountered tribesmen dressed in white. Sometimes accompanied by a donkey or a mule, usually with a cheek full of coca. At the time, I felt extremely alien to this very different culture and at the same time so fascinated by it.
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How cocoa found its way into my heart

Mischa Levit

I don't know how many times I've told this story. And each time I tell it differently. From a different perspective, in a different color or with a different mood. I find this story as rich as the power of cocoa itself. And its influence on my life is as great as the influence of cocoa on the world, I hope. Here I would like to tell our story again in a completely different way and in a little more detail. From the inside out. My inner path, process and decision to dedicate my life to cocoa (and vice versa)....

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How warm should I drink my cocoa?

Mischa Levit 4 comments
I'm being asked more and more often: "Tell me, Mischa, how hot should I make my cocoa?" Until a few days ago, I was still throwing around semi-objective sentence structures when answering this question, adding my own preferences and finally quoting the "science" that I know.
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Mischa. That's me.

Michael Levit

Belly landing September 11, 1992 - a tiny Mischa is born in a Ukrainian city called Dnepropetrovsk. Germanized The Federal Republic welcomes him with open arms. But no one asked him whether he even wanted to live there. Well, he just made the best of it. Finally over His school years are not glorious, but he gets his high school diploma. Maybe he's just not the brightest candle on the cake? Dare to go out The flight to South America takes him into a new world. He is allowed to make mistakes and find out who he is. Freedom becomes...

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Is ceremonial cacao actually dangerous?

Mischa Levit

I have actually been asked this question from time to time. The last time was in front ofBeate 's camera. Here in the video you can see my answer: The topic of "danger" has come up again and again in recent years, even outside of the context of cocoa. What I have noticed again and again is that danger is ultimately just an interpretation of a possibility. A possible scenario that tries to throw me off balance in my identification as a person and entrepreneur. From the perspective of the Higher Self, there are no dangers. There are only experiences,...

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Come with me on my adventure!

The cocoa universe is colorful, big and diverse! Let yourself be carried away by the latest events of my adventure and check out Instagram.