Kakao Mischa: Ist zeremonieller Kakao gefährlich?

I have actually been asked this question from time to time. The last time was in front ofBeate 's camera. Here in the video you can see my answer:

The topic of "danger" has come up again and again in recent years, even outside of the context of cocoa. What I have noticed again and again is that danger is ultimately just an interpretation of a possibility. A possible scenario that tries to throw me off balance in my identification as a person and entrepreneur. From the perspective of the Higher Self, there are no dangers. There are only experiences, lessons and an everlasting path.

With my very good friend and coach Lukas, we looked into this topic and played through possible "danger scenarios". "Aren't you painting the devil on the wall?" some positively affirmed yogis might ask themselves. In a perfectly harmonious world we would do that, because in such a world every event would be consistent on a personal and social level and aimed at the benefit of all. The way the world is currently structured, it makes sense from my and Lukas' point of view to pay attention to, think through and plan certain things so that they can gain a foothold in this arbitrariness invented by human reason. And here too, I finally realized that every so-called danger ultimately has potential for growth and often represents exactly the scenario that is needed to take the next step, open the next chapter and discover the liveliness of life. What is your favorite danger? Write it in the comments. <3

Written by Mischa Levit
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