Cocoa Yoni

Mischa Levit 2 comments

This yoni can accompany you in many ways and, above all, enrich you.

She will support you in the connection of your heart, your womb and your yoni.

Yes, it can come to you in so many different ways and it can find a place in your life.

In the morning, with a cup of cocoa to start the day feeling strong, invigorated and clear.

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Back to the beginning.

Mischa Levit
Imagine you are standing in a lush flower meadow. There's buzzing and beeping all around you. Everything feels alive, gentle and beautiful. Oh, and look at that butterfly! How beautifully it represents the tenderness of your being. The transformation come to life in beauty, grace and vulnerability. Formerly ma
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Am I still valuable?

Mischa Levit
Imagine you are an entrepreneur (maybe you are?) and you have this one dream. The dream of independence, financial freedom and being able to travel wherever you want. Isn't that a fabulous dream? You set everything in motion, do and do, reach many people who w
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Our time with the Arhuacos.

Mischa Levit 2 comments
About 5 years ago, during my first stay in Colombia, we hiked through a national park, the Parque Tayrona. This is known for its incredible biodiversity and the natural spectacle that occurs when wild mountain jungle flows directly into the Caribbean Sea. Even then, on our hike through the national park, we encountered tribesmen dressed in white. Sometimes accompanied by a donkey or a mule, usually with a cheek full of coca. At the time, I felt extremely alien to this very different culture and at the same time so fascinated by it.
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What does acceptance mean?

Mischa Levit
I've just made myself some cocoa. Here in the kitchen of the hostel where I'm staying for a few days. My attempt was almost thwarted by three intensely sizzling pieces of chicken breast spread over half the stove. A feeling of repulsion shot through me. "Are these the vibes you use to make your hot
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Mischa Levit

How about if you forget what to do and what not to do. How would it be if you felt what it's like when you touch yourself. Sometimes zeal is not a blessing, Sometimes moving bothers us And doing and doing quickly Do you take time to rest? I am often asked to cede my boundaries a little bit here and there No break today Instead, this and that here And from that four over there Almost enough, you might think. I shouldn’t rhyme too little either!   The hamster wheel, it turns merrily I'll go back down Despite the...

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Come with me on my adventure!

The cocoa universe is colorful, big and diverse! Let yourself be carried away by the latest events of my adventure and check out Instagram.