Online course Cocoa Portal: Immerse yourself in the essence of cocoa

Kakao Team

Happy, radiant and filled with deep wisdom , the first graduates were allowed to walk through the cocoa portal . They experienced what it means to experience the essence of cocoa. "Thank you for the cocoa portal. Although I have already done a cocoa training, I was able to experience a new DEPTH. I was able to gain much greater knowledge about cocoa, learn about its origins, the connection to the rainforest, the connection with the Maya and what role cocoa plays there." Tatjana, participant of the Kakao Portal Do you feel called to dive DEEP? Mark April 20th -...

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Love goes through the stomach?

Kakao Team

And how! Then straight to the heart. Especially when you conjure up something delicious from our heart-opening cocoa 😍

Our jack-of-all-trades Giulia has once again waved her magic wand (and magic dust😉) on all levels.
The cocoa butter melted, the wooden spoons were waved and our magic dust flew around! It was a wild affair, but it was worth it. Because the result is a wonderful recipe for your own chocolate to enjoy and fall in love with 🤤
The recipe consists of just a few ingredients, some of which you can even find in our shop, and is super easy to make.
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What the Easter Bunny brought me... is my vision!

Mischa Levit 4 comments

Hello, dear reader! Today I share with you in this blog post what is sacred to me. And what I unfortunately lost in the last few weeks: My vision. Definitely a word that is used too often at the moment, and perhaps that is precisely what this world needs right now. Ultimately, vision just means sight. So what is there to see? The last few weeks since returning from Tanzania have been full of to-dos, appointments and a lot of garbage (in the truest sense of the word - the garbage from the bakery that we are taking over and...

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In times of change... we change with it!

Mischa Levit 2 comments

Hello dear converter, Today I am writing, sipping a ceremonial cocoa, from an inner impulse. Somewhere, certainly, to understand my own process more deeply by sharing it with you. Last but not least, it is about the fact that we as a society are undergoing rapid change. Personally, I always try to reach for something, find something for myself and hold on to it. Only to then notice how it escapes me like the air from an old balloon. Sometimes it also bangs. Ouch . So what can we do to confront this transforming machine of life? Who to call...

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How warm should I drink my cocoa?

Mischa Levit 4 comments
I'm being asked more and more often: "Tell me, Mischa, how hot should I make my cocoa?" Until a few days ago, I was still throwing around semi-objective sentence structures when answering this question, adding my own preferences and finally quoting the "science" that I know.
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✿ For International Women's Day ✿

Mischa Levit

♀ For International Women's Day ♀ Bonjour Madame! Today I turn to your and my female part. Because today is the day when the feminine in our society is particularly honored, heard... and maybe even flowers! ✿ You can find them, along with another delicacy, at the very end of this letter. ✿ Today not only celebrates women's achievements in many areas of life, but we also remember that feminine energy embodies deep strength, wisdom and the spirit of nurture. The essence of the feminine lives within all of us, as a universal force that nourishes our growth, fosters our...

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Come with me on my adventure!

The cocoa universe is colorful, big and diverse! Let yourself be carried away by the latest events of my adventure and check out Instagram.