Imagine you are standing in a lush meadow of flowers. There is buzzing and chirping all around you. Everything feels alive, gentle and beautiful. Oh, and look at that butterfly! How beautifully it represents the tenderness of your being. The transformation that has come to life in beauty, grace and vulnerability. Once a caterpillar, the butterfly beats its wings for the first time with complete confidence that it can fly. It knows that it is its destiny to fly, without ever having done so. Is it excited beforehand and has butterflies in its stomach? Definitely, even if that borders on metaphorical cannibalism.
A beautiful spectacle that unfolds in your inner meadow of flowers. Here you will find everything that is familiar to you, friendly and gentle. Your safe space, your happy place and the place where you cultivate your deep, unconditional trust. Your cocoon.
"Oh, oh! Did he say cocoon?!" - yes, he did. Because this safe place is the beginning and perhaps the end of your journey. It is the harbor from which you set sail. With butterflies in your stomach and uncertainty in your head, you cast off, slip out and set off.
Out into the world.
There is fear, there are doubts and there is that part of you that knows you can do it. That longs for the moment when you jumped, when you took the risk. You know exactly what I mean. It is the same part of you that, if ignored, will eventually say things like "If only I had done this or that..." It is the part that makes your stomach tingle when you think about talking to the pretty person sitting next to you on the bus or finally telling your partner how you really feel.
An immense force forms in your stomach, right under your belly button. Pure life force that awakens because it senses that it is needed. It wants to flow, it wants to crackle and tingle. And above all, it wants to help you achieve what you really want. And as if that wasn't gift enough, this energy draws wonderful people and situations into your life that strengthen you on your path and let you know that everything that has happened has a meaning.
You go your own way, you laugh and you cry. When you look over your shoulder to see what "the others" are doing, you see no competition. You see brothers and sisters who are still in their cocoons or already on their way, and in them you see yourself. How could you do anything other than feel for them and want to help them? After all, you have also received so much help up to now. Why should you try to change anyone when you know full well that it was the path and your very own decisions that brought you exactly where you are now? You nod to them in recognition, love and trust, knowing that the universe not only wants the best for you, but for everyone on this earth. When you look forward again, you see a butterfly. The same one that you encountered at the beginning. And with it you feel the security, safety and lightness that you were able to experience at the beginning.
A cycle comes to an end, only to begin again.
Where are you headed next?
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