Today I write with devotion. Devotion to life. Because it carries me, nourishes me, breathes me and shines through me. I have often written to process, to release, to reflect. Today there is no need for reflection. Today I don't need anything. And if I need something, it's already there. Right here, where I am standing. I can take it, turn it and twist it. I can grasp it, pay attention to it. I don't need to grab it. It can just be. Content with myself, with those I love. Content to be where I am today. As I welcome the day moment by moment, I forget the time. There used to be a clock on the wall, but it stayed standing. I didn't notice. Maybe it's enough to be where I am, maybe more will come of it. It's important for me to feel the meaning, to feel the love so much. Today I look into the book, out the window. Today I let myself go.
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