Today I write to write. Today I live to live. Today I breathe to breathe. Today I love to love. And today I die to die. My heart opens again to the world, its love and pain. The sweet pain that arises when I am vulnerable. When tears bleed. When I flood my being with life. It opens to the beauty that may seem horrible tomorrow. To the flower that wilts before my eyes. I let myself fall into the arms of the goddess, I surrender myself, at the foundation of all being. My tail flutters firmly anchored in the ground. Its blowing is gentle, its movement is light. I have no questions, I have no urge. The deepest trust sang through me. Which is why love is hiding today. I saw it with me just the other day. It must be here somewhere. Maybe. Maybe it will show itself when I show myself. It may be hidden in these lines by now. I will try not to look for them anymore, but to know that they are everywhere. Because only those who love can miss love.
I can hardly imagine the aft paths in which life stretches out before me. With flags raised, with open arms, I run towards the crying child. Only then, late in the evening, when everyone is already asleep, does my heart whisper to me: Pain and love, yes, both belong to the same pair of shoes.
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