That's a bold question, because I would find it difficult to answer it myself.
For a few weeks now, a sense of calm, trust and happiness have crept into my life. I feel like I am being held in my essence. Life feels so optional, so free, so vast. Just like these lines here! As you may have noticed, it has been very quiet on social media over the last week. Suspiciously quiet, if you ask me. Unusual for me! For a long time, I felt the underlying pressure to keep up, to show myself, to achieve something. Perhaps you know this pressure too. It can release enormous energy, move a lot and, unfortunately, also cause harm.
I hardly feel this pressure anymore, thanks in particular to my wonderful team. Instead, something else has taken its place: an honest need to maintain the connection with you. This wonderful connection that cocoa has given us and continues to give us. Based on appreciation, trust and love.

About the upcoming Kakao Mischa podcast? Probably! About public, joint events - live or online? Oh yes!
As you can see, I have a multitude of opportunities to cultivate our loving relationship so that you and I can get as much positive out of it as possible.
That's why it's been quiet for so long, because I wasn't and still am not 100% sure what form our Kakao community will take. Do you have an idea? Write it in the comments! <3 Where will we meet? And above all, where will we celebrate!? I already have a guess about the latter... Because what I've been most busy with lately, besides Kakao, is creating a beautiful home for myself, my loved ones and of course Kakao. A place of life, love and harmony is created, where boundaries dissolve and connections form.
I'm really looking forward to welcoming you to our heart's nest soon, as soon as the cocoa shop is finished. And until then?

Until then, I'm enjoying my life, enjoying the feeling of arriving more and more day by day. And what I'm enjoying most at the moment is the feeling of having found my place at the side of an incredible woman. The fact that our souls have found each other never ceases to amaze me and moves me to tears as soon as I turn my attention to it. I feel deeply blessed. Blessed by life, by Mother Earth and the universe. And it is this blessing that makes the desire grow deep within me to serve this life, this earth, this humanity and thus you. For my own good and for the good of all.
Aho. Your Mischa
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