Once upon a time there was a guy named Mischa who wanted to experience adventure and was sure that there was fancy stuff out there. Even though times were rough, he traveled around and wanted to know: What would he do with himself, so clever?
Selling cocoa, that sounds great! Could that be his calling? Or what else is he doing here? It's probably too late for the piano. He only has enough patience to sing along to "lalalal". With more and more cocoa in the trunk and worrying foam in front of his mouth, you could see him rushing around. Just to get to the post office in time. And then there were those few to-dos! He lived fast, on a small scale. There was always something to do and no thought of rest. Until one day he found himself, completely exhausted on a bench. A little angel with red teeth appeared to his left. It spoke to him in Schiller's light: You need a team - yes, little helper! The angel walked away, slurring, his flag held high. What Mischa said there didn't deceive him. He could tinker as much as he wanted, but without a team the thing wouldn't roll! So he began to pray quietly, to the great circle of the universe: Oh please, please, Great Spirit! Help me find a team, fat. The Great Spirit listened – and manifested in an instant. Not one, not two, no, a handful of comrades. And everyone helps as best they can. Regardless of whether it's an Oompa Loompa, a woman or a man. With so much love in the team, Mischa doesn't believe he can fail. Instead, he wants to reach great heights. The cocoa message - it wants to get out! To millions of people, billions of cheetahs and ten galloping camels. The whole thing can now go quickly. So that humanity can still get back on track! Before humanity itself dries up. Rumor has it that Mischa is still tinkering today, diligently sipping cocoa. So that he can reach the world quickly and the hardness from people's hearts will subside.
A lyrical farce about a process that has been going on for a long time: the formation and expansion of my team ! An exciting topic, as I strive with all the rules of the art not to build a classic, hierarchical company and to give people space within the Kakao universe so that they can develop. With a shared vision and the love of life itself. You will certainly read more about this topic here. I don't know to what extent meter contributes to this. In any case, I'm having fun! ;)
Thanks for reading. I'm happy to have you on my journey. <3 Your Mischa
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