People are like sponges...
Hello dear cocoa admirer,
In this email I would like to share with you a concept that came to me a long time ago.
It's about the concept of positive contamination . We have heard enough about the latter in recent years. Putting the whole thing into a useful context seems sensible and important to me.
Positive contamination describes the process of being infected by something, such as an idea, belief pattern or worldview, that changes your life for the better. Like when your friend tells you how it is possible to tie your shoelaces with one hand.
Knowing that this idea is not yours, you happily accept it because you know that it may not revolutionize your life, but it will improve it a bit.
You have been infected - in a positive sense.
And as you might imagine, that's exactly what happens with ceremonial cacao. You have visitors, you enjoy a cup of ceremonial cocoa together and talk about important things that have been wanted to be discussed for a long time. Your visitor is fascinated by the subtle, profound effect and gets their own ideas for doing this and that with this special plant...
Zack - infected.
We are contagious creatures and sponges at the same time (Spongebob is actually a good example). And now we are getting more and more into the funnel of what we allow ourselves to be infected with (is it love, fear or joy?) and what we ourselves infect others with.
With this email I would like to invite you to take a look inside yourself and think about what you have been infected with recently? And how do you inspire others and ignite their fire?
Our cocoa ambassadors do exactly that with heart and soul. At the moment there is a wonderful, lively exchange taking place behind the scenes. Do you also feel like a cocoa ambassador? Then this way.
Let us be the Spreader of Love!