Connection is why we're here. It's what gives purpose and meaning to our lives .
Brene Brown

Melmo dances through her life. With clarity that it is connection that advances us as humans, sustains us and makes love possible. That's how she danced into Cocoa Mischa's house. With the intention of strengthening and deepening connections and opening up new dimensions of community.

As a partly formless Luftikus, she is a master of cuddling, supporting and understanding, which she is able to demonstrate and further perfect with her wonderful daughter Emma. With Melmo on board, I, Mischa, am happy about the amount of heart and courage with which Melmo is willing to move forward with us to bring light to previously unexplored corners of the cocoa universe.

So if you soon feel a kind of pull to move a little closer to us, the cocoa community, or just have pee in your eyes because you are moved by how many people are visibly benefiting from the positive effects of ceremonial cocoa - then it is probably Melmo, who waves the community flag and does magical things with our ambassadors.

Together with Melmo, we, the K-Team, are heading towards a world of unity, openness, creativity and compassion to reclaim the WE that was taken from us.

If you want to get in touch with Melmo, just write to her on Instagram at @cacaorebelles or by email at .