Start your journey through the Kakao Portal

A 9-week online video course with knowledge, shamanism and ceremony content about all dimensions of the cocoa plant. The course is aimed at everyone with the aim of encountering cocoa in depth and getting to know its roots and facets.

Video course: Cacao Portal

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The portal that brings you closer to Mama Kakao and thus to yourself (German language)

A 9-week online video course with knowledge, shamanism and ceremony content about all dimensions of the cocoa plant. The course is aimed at everyone who wants to encounter cocoa in depth and get to know its roots and facets.

This course will transform, strengthen and deepen your connection to the spirit of cacao .

Together with Mayan knowledge bearer Tabea Cacaowoman you will immerse yourself in the world of plant medicine, the jungle, meditation, Mayan wisdom and the essence of Mama Cacao. The experiences of me, Kakao-Mischa founder, Mischa Levit, complement Tabea’s in-depth knowledge.

In a total of 10 in-depth lessons in video format and with a wealth of additional material, Tabea takes you through her portal on the path of Ix Kakao , the spirit of Kakao according to indigenous Mayan tradition .

In some places I, Mischa, supplement the knowledge I have gained from my numerous cocoa trips to give you an even better feeling for the origin of this unique plant and the people who cultivate it.

In addition to concentrated knowledge, you will also receive practical impulses that invite you to act, practice and discover for yourself.

Reflection questions accompany you through all lessons and will ensure that your newly acquired knowledge is deepened and consolidated.

Parallel to the course, you are invited to join the Kakao Portal Telegram group and exchange experiences with other students and practitioners.

You're not alone.

To make sure that none of your questions remain unanswered, you will receive access to monthly Zoom calls with Tabea , where you can ask anything that is on your mind.

Do you feel the call of Ix Kakao? Are you ready to enter the portal?

  • 10 rich lessons over the course of 9 weeks - available for life
  • 20 high-quality, informative and above all inspiring videos
  • 7 in-depth practical tips for your growth with cocoa
  • 72 reflection questions to deepen your perception
  • 1 Telegram group for exchanging ideas with other students
  • Monthly Zoom calls with Tabea to answer your questions

When you log in for the first time, you have access to the Kakao Portal, a welcome letter from Tabea, an introductory video from Mischa and Tabea, and your first lesson. A further lesson will be unlocked for you every 7 days. I, Mischa, will inform you about this by email.

If you decide to go down this path with Tabea and buy this course, you will be sent a link after the purchase and by email. This will take you to the Kakao Mischa course portal. You can also access the portal on your smartphone.

Note: You must be logged in to to access your course. The login email address must match the email address you used to make the purchase.

You can only access the course by logging in to This is for your and our security.



    Experience Cocoa Portal

    Exclusive look at the introductory video

    Together with Tabea you will immerse yourself in the world of plant medicine, the jungle, meditation, Mayan wisdom and the essence of Mama Cocoa. image

    Tabea cocoa woman

    Together with Mayan knowledge keeper Tabea Cacaofrau, you will immerse yourself in the world of plant medicine, the jungle, meditation, Mayan wisdom and the essence of Mama Cocoa.

    In the joint podcast episode with Mischa you will find out what the Kakao Portal, the joint project by Kakao Mischa and Tabea Cacaofrau, is all about.

    Eine Reise in die Herzenergie und Weisheit der Maya

    Erlebe eine herzöffnende Kakaozeremonie mit Tabea und Mischa, inspiriert von den Weisheiten der Maya. Lass dich von einer geführten Meditation und kraftvollen Ritualen in die Welt des Kakaos begleiten. Jetzt mehr über die Zeremonie lesen


    Maya Kakaozeremonie mit Tabea